Sunday, December 28, 2008


Web-based Apps

I tried Google docs and zoho writer and I found Google Doc so much easier to use.  I still can't figure out how to share my document using Zoho.  It may be cuz it's way to late for me to be up trying to figure this stuff out.  I did (probably accidentally) figure out how to publish one sentence to my blog using Zoho writer, so I guess I am now writing to my blog expressing my experience using web apps.  I will try to figure Zoho out later when I am more awake.  But Google Doc is much, much more user friendly.  I think it will be great for me to put all my documents on the web and take them wherever I go without using my flash drive as I do now.  And it will be great to share them when I need to and have the recipient make any corrections.  This is really a great way to save and share documents.


  1. Oh you dont love Zoho!!! I guess You will love it...when You dig a little deeper,and by doing so you can also find the difference b/w GooG docs and Zoho...and so that you can figure out which is better....

    Good Luck.

  2. Yeah! I will continue to dig deeper. I wanted to learn on my own, but sometimes asking for help cuts through the fog. I'll keep at it. Thanks for the encouragement.
