Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Youtube and all it can do

I've enjoyed and learned so much from YouTube. I seem to recall that some of the 23 things included clips from YouTube to help to teach a certain web tool. Well, we could use some of the teaching clips from YouTube right on our web page or at least have YouTube sites available that teach certain library skills. I found one about How to do an Advance book search on Google Book Search. This is the link:


Monday, December 29, 2008

I'm liking Discovering Web 2.0 tools

I tried Backpackit.com for organization. Since I am in charge of everyone's schedules at the library, I thought I could use one spot for all my needs. I can keep track of everyone's upcoming events, create a page for any project with lists to check off, texts, images and files for everyone to share. The down point is that it is free for only 30 days.

I must mention another Web tool that I will love. It is Pandora Radio. Since I am also in charge of ordering music for the library, I can listen to any genre and artist or song to determine if I want to order it. It is a very interesting site since you can invite others to place the kind of the music they like. I could ask my staff to use this and then I can have an idea of the music they want me to order.

I wish I had tons of time to play and play and play with all the tools. There are only so many hours in one day. Gosh darn.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Learning (or at least trying to figure out) how to use Web-based Apps

Well, I titled my last two entries as "Sandbox" because I was indeed playing and up to my eyeballs in sand. I did finally get Zoho writer to share to other emails. The things that I got frustrated about, was that it was not easy to figure out how to do that. Also, I uploaded a document that I had on my desktop in Zoho docs but couldn't figure out how to share that. The one thing that Zoho writer had over Google docs was that I could publish straight to my blog.

The bottom line is that I didn't know any of this stuff existed before tonight. So...needless to say, I am tickled pink to know that I could use Web-based apps to save, share, and publish. And of course, this will help in letting me get to all my documents without carrying around my flash drive.


Web-based Apps

I tried Google docs and zoho writer and I found Google Doc so much easier to use.  I still can't figure out how to share my document using Zoho.  It may be cuz it's way to late for me to be up trying to figure this stuff out.  I did (probably accidentally) figure out how to publish one sentence to my blog using Zoho writer, so I guess I am now writing to my blog expressing my experience using web apps.  I will try to figure Zoho out later when I am more awake.  But Google Doc is much, much more user friendly.  I think it will be great for me to put all my documents on the web and take them wherever I go without using my flash drive as I do now.  And it will be great to share them when I need to and have the recipient make any corrections.  This is really a great way to save and share documents.


This is my simple document.  read and make corrections

Friday, December 26, 2008

Playing around with PBWiki

I jumped head first into the sandbox. It took a while but I finally figured out how to post to the Wiki and create a new page and link to another blog . I am of the school of try and try again. It was easy to create a login at CTLS 23 Things Favorite wiki. I went to the Favorite Blog page and added my blog. It took me a while to enter it as a title of a blog and not the whole URL. Back at the sandbox, I was able to meet the challenge and create a separate page for Favorite Vacation Spot and even included a link to my favorite blog [http://parisdailyphoto.com | ParisDailyPhoto ]
I'm really starting to enjoy myself and that's because I've always loved to learn new things.

I actually feel ready to try to create my own wiki for our family reunion.

Monday, December 22, 2008


I can see that there are many library wikis out there. Since I have never participated in using one this is all very new to me, although I have been using Wikipedia for some time now. Now, I don't contribute to it, though and I am not sure how one goes about doing that. At any rate I can see the application for communicating ideas, maybe doing book reviews, sharing ideas and knowledge. I suppose I could read more and then try to contribute.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Technology trends for a 2.0 world

I just finished reading the article from Library Technology reports. I guess I have been fairly insulated in my world and maybe my age has a lot to do with it. The idea that I could appear on Youtube, perhaps through a not so nice encounter with a disgruntled patron never crossed my mind. The idea of librarians going ga-ga with a new Iphone sounds weird. However, I like the idea of a blog whereby the patrons could really bring about discussions about books they want or services they want seemed intriguing. I loved the idea of having a community care about either pictures I post on Flickr or thoughts in my blog. I just started scratching the surface of LibraryThing and I am thinking I could really use this either in my discussion about books with patrons or in my own search for good reads or even to help me when I catalog.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Learning Technorati

I had already claimed my blog at Technorati a few days back and a few "things" back. I tried searching for blogs but I could only do it by Blog Directory. I did search the popular blogs and selected the first one as a favorite. I was able to tag my blog and place a Technorati tag on my blog for others to select my blog as a favorite. Well, I tried it for myself. In searching for "library 2.0", I discovered 6,196 blogs. As usual, I'm not quite sure I'm doing things right. I can find my blog in Technorati but can anyone else?

Monday, December 15, 2008


So, I set my computer up with Delicious and yes, I can see how wonderful it will be for my bookmarks to follow me around wherever I go. I love tagging things and using this later to find things. I like the idea of the tag cloud with the larger letters being where people go most or at least the more popular sites.
I tried clicking on a bookmark used by the most users and I noticed the tags they used. It was't an area of interest for me, but I can see the benefit.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Playing games on a Saturday night

I tried out Bookworm which I had stumbled upon some time ago. It is addicting. For a competitive game I played Lexulous against the Robot. And then I played Free Rice.

I am absolutely hooked on Free Rice. The learning aspect is wonderful, but then add the fact that you are feeding the hungry makes it extra special. I emailed my daughter to get her into it to. I like the brain stimulating aspect of all three games that I played. Talk about fighting senility. Of the three, Free Rice gets my vote. I love the fact that you can hear the word pronounced. So everyone that reads this blog should go right now to http://freerice.com/ and commence playing. Now can someone tell me how to stop?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Social networking (aka MySpace and Facebook)

About a year ago my daughter helped me set up a MySpace account cuz that's what happens when you get old. Anyway, it lay dormat all this time. I woke it up and low and behold, I must be learning cuz it wasn't hard to get around. Hopefully, I invited CTLS and I did figure out how to send a link from MySpace blog to my blog here. However, I decided to give Facebook a try and when I tried to blog there, it said I was in some sort of violation(spamming?) and I just hit the create note button and I hadn't even written anything. So, I hate Facebook. I like the music aspect of MySpace and I list to some Celtic chic that sang like an angel. ooh hoooo.

my space blog


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Add to Technorati Favorites


It was pretty easy to subscribe to 3 feeds in Google Reader. Then adding them to my blog was also fairly easy. Am I getting smarter?? I picked a library comic strip , CNN, and a fashion feed. Nothing really appeals to me but I can see the benefit of just reading current stuff and all.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My creation: a trading card

My creation
Originally uploaded by librarybooksmovies
So, I lied...One more thing to try before I stop and go to bed. I could see why people can get addicted to computers.

My creation

My creation
Originally uploaded by librarybooksmovies
Okay, I went to Flickr toys and My Creation and made this stamp like photo for my blog. I'm playing with all the the different mashups and third party tools. I created a press pass and played with the "name the picture"tools. It's kind of like playing Wheel of Fortune. Supposedly, I could be playing with people all over the world, but I was the only one playing...Boo, hoo. But I've learned a lot and now it's time for bed. I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks.

New Teenspace at the library

Originally uploaded by librarybooksmovies
So this is my picture of the new teen space in the library. I tagged it with CTLS2.0 and hope that's what I needed to do to allow this photo to be seen by everyone looking at Flickr for those kinds of photos. I must say I do like the new rug.

autographed books on shelf

autographed books on shelf
Originally uploaded by kparra
Well, today I just decided to refresh what I learned yesterday by putting a photo from Flickr on my blog. I will also attempt to place a photo I took today from my library but first I have to figure out how to get it out of the camera. LOL

Monday, December 8, 2008


Originally uploaded by ailie*
Okay, I joined a group of people loving blue and am now trying to post one of the photos from that group. I would love to visit Greece someday and let's just say I love greek food

learning about Flickr

It seems harder trying to figure it all out than I had thought it would be. I guess I'll just keep at my trial and error way of learning. I did upload a picture here. Now, I'm suppose to blog about a photo on Flickr and try to put it here. I guess I'll have to go back and read about it and try again.

Creating an avatar

So today I added an avatar to my blog. I may have to play with this again when I have more time. I just picked a photo saved on my computer that says a lot about me but maybe not about the learning library technology project.